Wikifrauds invita a todo jugador, empleado o directivo del Real Racing Club a ofrecernos cualquier información de que disponga para que la publiquemos en nuestra página web. Necesitamos vuestra ayuda para presionar a Ali Syed con el fin de que pague lo que debe o, por lo menos, que explique las razones por las que no ha cumplido hasta la fecha.
Además, nos dirigimos también a cualquier empresario que haya entrado en negociaciones de préstamos con WGA y Ali Syed, y que en este momento esté pensando que puede haber sido engañado, como ha pasado con otros muchos alrededor del mundo. Toda información comercial será tratada con la mayor confidencialidad, si así lo desean.
Marlowe <>Pernia has been among the first in Spain to find the prize he sought. Especially statements: "With the current owner of Manchester and I met four years ago in Qatar. Incidentally, the trip also was Fernando Sanz, who informed him of what was going to do there. It shows that our intention was not new. had to be proactive. In Racing we got into the hands of Credit Suisse to advise us. We found a number of stakeholders. Many were geeks. People who think you know everything and you all. With many ideas and little money . At the first meeting you go with questions. Especially because I expected people interested in Mexico, where much Spaniard exiled after the war. But suddenly appeared Ali."
Full story in Spanish here. Use
Google translator for English.