Les Cheers, Australia's lowest conman.


Since launching on February 5, 2011, we have survived death threats, beaten hackers, won law suits against us, exposed dozens of scammers, and managed to recover vast funds for victims.
Some search engines, Google for instance, return some results and blogs indicating that Wikifrauds is a fraudulent site itself, and stating wrongful facts about us and the editor.The worst culprit is Douglas Graeme McCoy who has opened his own website using our name and loaded it with half truths and lies!  These items are simply malicious attacks made by one or two disgruntled con artists who we have exposed and published.on Wikifrauds. We go to great lengths to check and double-check our sources of information, which in every single case, are the results of victims contacting us for assistance, or information from other concerned citizens. We do not publish without verifiable facts.

And yes, we have been taken to court twice and won on both occasions. One court case was Astra Resources - they backed down and settled out of court, and then the same judge disqualified Astra's directors and Astra was wound up.by ASIC. Read about one sad Astra investor who lost her money! It was our continued exposure of Astra that directy lead an ASIC investigator to contact us for information that then lead to us actively work closely with an ASIC lawyer to bring down this sham 'public' company.

The case other was brought by Neville Mahon, and he lost also. Read the facts here.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" . . .  Edmund Burke.             
Wikifrauds is privately owned and edited in Sydney, Australia.
If you have been conned, or suspect you are being conned, let us know. We may be able to help you, as we have with many others.
Contact us
BIG NEWS: It's taken a very long time, but Ashan Ali Syed (Western Gulf Advisory) is currently in jail in Switzerland and facing a very long term of imprisonment. There are still millions to recover from this conman, but justice will prevail. The legal team did manage to recover some millions in 2022 which was disbursed to his victims here in Australia and in New Zealand.

LATEST NEWS:   Dominique Grubisa receives multi-million dollar fines and disqualification. Who's next/

If any of the scammers cited in this website wish to be removed, we will facilitate a repayment plan for their victims. At least four previously named con-artists have done so, and are now not shown or mentioned in Wikifrauds. Simple really - show some reasonable effort to repair the damages caused, or stay on here forever.

 Australia's worst serial conmen, Leslie Matthew Cheers, aka John Alexander below left, and Douglas McCoy, Cheers' leading victim recruiter below right,

                                      Where's the missing $1.85 million?
                   Leslie Matthew Cheers, AKA John Alexander
    John Rivett, Better Business Lawyers              Douglas Graeme McCoy                  Michael Delport. owner of the property          
              Probably Australia's lowest and worst conman.      Cheers' accomplice "Better Business Liars"    Ruthless conman and partner of Cheers,     at Beaudesert QLD
Has already been twice jailed for fraud.                  Documented lies to Cheer's victims                See also "Properties and You"

                                     WHERE IS THE MISSING 1.785 MILLION DOLLARS?
Read about it under McCoy (above link)

This guy has been jailed twice for fraud in the 1990's and one would think he'd learn from that. But not Cheers, he has happily gone on scamming people right up to this day, Jan 26, 2025.
We have published a list of his scams and evidence from his victims. Nearly all were conned in the first instance by McCoy who directed their "investments' to Cheers   His victims range from innocent old ladies, contractors, investors, unpaid staff, suppliers and many more. This list is a massive indictment on both Cheers and McCoy, such is the amount of information we have gathered on this pair of predators.. We have also named many of their co-conspirators, a number of whom also have criminal records. This is a large list of ratbags all of whom have aided and abetted Cheers. Read about him here. See also Terry Eldridge and Michael Delport

January 2025: For at least the last two years, Cheers has been promising to us to start repaying his victims, in order to have this page removed from Wikifrauds. Week after week, promise after promise, and failure after failure to do so. All  he ever does is create a new lie about having the funds to make the repayments. The man is a compulsive liar but he has a bad memory, because each lie he tells nullifies some previous lies.There is only one way to get off this website Les - start making those promised refunds.

The Spruikers: Read our summary reportof three Australian public speakers who are fronts for million dollar scams. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Worlds biggest on-line retail scammer: Hymax Company Limited. We have never read so many complaints about any one single company. Check it out.    Owned supposedly in London but really in China, by one  Chanqial Liu.   
PLUS: Read about the disgusting behaviour of AVEO Retirement and Aged Care here.
    Ashan Ali Syed (WGA)                     William Field                    John Mulally               Omer Khan                Robyn Schneller AKA Robyn Brauer       Terry Dallas                 Scott Mundell                     Tua Toki                                                
Peter Liva                                Jim Bogoevski                                Keith Kelly                              John Foley                              Nadine Albutt             Kevin Howe                                      "Trivago"                              John Fish 
    Jeremy Whitley          Stephanie Chase         Christopher James Woodward           Dominique Grubisa          Barry Tanenbaum                    Richard Walker          Bryan Johnson Pallone (USA)        
Glen Weiland                           Jacques Blandin                             Ronald Flynn                          Daniel Truman Brown        Adam James Newley         Clarence Boyd Nelson           Mark McIvor (Lord Huntington)  
                                                                                                                                            and Revolut8tion Pty Ltd
       Etta Crisp                         Dean Wentworth               Khalil Luheshi                  The Efshar and Cross and Feater Restaurants owned by conman Les Cheers                             Terry Eldridge          Warragamba Thief
See also Hymax Company Limited                                           Jesse Baravykas, Zess Imaging                                                  Nino Saviano

  Michael Veritas Dunagan                                      Nickolas-Antoine Brochu                              Daniel Lavoie                    Michael Rousseau
                                                                                              Cocaine addict                                 Issues with loan sharks
                    The above four are the principal scammers for Databank Financial and Wealth Management Group Inc, a Canadian registered company, click the following link..
Databank Financial Reserve and Wealth Management Group Inc - Canada

                                                                                        CLICK AN IMAGE TO READ THEIR FILES. 

Cudgegong Plumbing Pty Ltd

Also: A new scam sex dating website:
DO NOT WASTE MONEY ON MyAussieCrush, it's a fake and total fraud. Read about it here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Obviously some of the scammers we name will try to fight back any way they can. Some have tried in court, and failed. Others have tried to hack our website, and some have published items on YouTube or have arranged their own "counter webpages" which contain lies and allegations about us. Some have even threatened us with violence. Just be cautious about whatever you may read. There are experts out there who know how to "fiddle" with screenshots and make things appear completely different to the originals. After all, these people are professionals and masters of faking documents and other files, and will do all they can to discredit Wikifrauds and promote themselves. People who appear on this website, like those above, deserve their exposure. We don't just make up stories for fun.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: Two fraudsters we have previously had on this site have been removed. The reason for removal is that they have made, or are in the process of making restitution to victims under agreement and supervision with us. Repayments have or are being paid on a regular basis. These peole know that if they fail to maintain the planned regular repayments to victims, they will be renamed on this site.
Aside from material souced from government statutory bodies, police services and other authentic sources, all information published on this website is supplied by victims and informants and is validated by double checking each source. What you read in here is true and can be backed up by evidence.
There are now two websites seeking to discredit this site. They have been published by one or two of the criminal fraudsters we have exposed and are untraceable and the owners are unknown. Wikifrauds is a voluntary site, run completely at the owner's expense. See original Mission Statement.
The people and companies listed here should be treated with the utmost caution. And this link will take you to a list of companies and people on the Australian Securities and Investment Commission's (ASIC) with whom you should NOT do business. You should also visit the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website "Scamwatch" for further advice and information on avoiding scams.
Nearly all are outright scammers, a couple are barely legitimate but verge
on the very edge of the law, nevertheless there is a need to exercise caution and seek expert legal advice before engagement with anyone named on this site. The list below is shown under two catagories - known scammers and cheating brokers, and the caution list. (See gallery)

What you read in this website is less than half of what we know about most of these people. Many have connections to other people who have assisted in the scams. Some are also victims we have identified and corresponded with, but who for various reasons have decided to remain silent, thus in their own way, affording some of these scammers a degree of comfort. Some of the fraudsters here will escape the law for lack of willingness to do the hard yards by some victims. On the other hand, there are a few who have remained determined to see justice and have formed coalitions with the common goal of seeing crimes punished as they should be and restitution if possible through various avenues.

If you wish to discover more unpublished information about these scammers and their relationships and are willing to provide us with your own credentials to claims for further information, please contact us for a confidential exchange of information.
Specsavers Penrith NSW
Plus Fitness Gymnasium
Huntington Health and Wealth Club
Daniel Truman Brown
Ronald ShaneFlynn
Richard James Walker (currently with AMP)
Switchcube Ltd
Dominique Grubisa
Bodytech Automotive, Castle Hill NSW
Serene Industries (International heating business)
Stephanie Chase
Queensland's biggest fraud gang.
John Foley
Hybrid Reserve
44 Levels to Success

Kevin Howe
John K Campbell accountant
Omega Plumbing
Keith Kelly
Barry Tannenbaum and Darren Perris
Jim Bogoevski
Walter Frymml
Bill Field      Belinda Field
Splash Pty Ltd, Hervey Bay
Alexis An
Crooked Employers:
        Gary Rush, Mayor of Bathurst NSW
        Jude Camilleri Family Trust
        Hills Car Rentals

Australian Motor Insurers rip-off clients and repairers.   NRMA Insurance employs thugs - must read!!
Expressions Session Photography
Jesse Baravykas
Dean Wentworth now boasts a Bill Facility of US$320Billion !!
Maisha Promotions and Business Investments.
PL Securities
Ian Golding - Beyond Organics
Tim Reiter - Mortgage Capital Partners, Melbourne.
Mille Capitaux, Luxembourg
Sam Wardan and Burwood Collision
J&J Wholesale Cars Liverpool NSW  
  Worst dodgy used car dealer in Sydney!  Now a threat to us.
Predator uses dating sites. New information November3, 2013
Marcel Wainohu, NZ  Another co-conspirator of Tua Toki.
Latest on Tua Toki and Spearhead
Aussie Laid Eggs
Arrest warrant for Ahsan Ali Syed 
More personal threats to Wikifrauds - Feb 20, 2012
Known Scams, scammers, liars and cheats:
Complaints Board - website used for blackmail.
Western Gulf Advisory - the Gold Standard of fraud  Estimated to have grossed hundreds of millions  Latest on Ali's staff. (March 2013)
John Mulally, Sydney Lawyer.

Robyn Schneller aka Robyn Brauer
Mega Gold and Terry John Dallas
The Morgan Tszangirai Nigerian 409 Scam.
  This scam has been running for nearly three years and grossed millions. Read more.
Neville Mahon and The Big Fiji Con. * See below - Denarau Hilton Class Action.
St James Fiduciary
Nicholas Burgoyne
PL Securities Pty Ltd
Patrick Guy Thomas and Dr Edward Garner

Goldbank UK Limited   
Eurasia Resources Company
Michael Briscoe and Westbridge Mutual
Rocky Cribb and Christian von Glasow
Marco Russo
Trinity Global Investments and Jeremy Whitley 
Dean Wentworth and Euroasian
Westerly Mortgage Trust
Scott Mundell's Halston Capital
Kanella Resources Pty Ltd
Peter Liva and Facultus Pty Ltd.
Michael Grant Kendon
Susan Kendon
Sir Robert Cowley, aka Robert Alexander
Rod Mackay. We detail Mackay's activities.                                                      
Empowered Financial Services Limited - Michael Flaherty and Greg Wheeldon
Spearhead Services Group - Mr Tua Toki
Ainsworth Mortgages - Mr Tzvi Ainsworth

*Denarau Hilton Villa Owners Dispute and Class Action: Villa Owners wishing to see legal action for recovery of their losses and the preservation of their agreements, may now register complaints and information here: To register go to this link.  Check here  if you do not wish to register but are concerned about Vision Group's mistreatment of Villa Owners, or if you are a past or present contractor or supplier to the development.
Caution list:
Nadine Albutt and Endless Holdings Pty Ltd
Triniti Communications
Jackie Gurr

Other catagories and services:
                List of approved sites and financial                      Need a due diligence                                          Wikifrauds Fraud Recovery Service
                              services companies                                            service?
